
Product Review for ASL DVD: “Baby, Toddler and Preschool Sign Language” by Louise Sattler and Friends

August 25, 2011

This is my first product review post on my blog, though I have done other products reviews!

I recently had an opportunity to review an ASL DVD entitled, “Baby, Toddler and Preschool Sign Language” by Louise Sattler and Friends. 
 I was excited about reviewing this DVD, as our 4 year old has shown an interest in learning ASL. He knows a few words that he has learned from watching
preschool programs on television. I was a bit concerned that he would not be able to sit through an entire DVD, but was I ever wrong!
As I put the DVD into the player, my little guy told me he was “so excited!” I told him I was too. As the video began playing, my preschooler was all eyes. He was sitting right next to me on the sofa and we both starting imitating the signs we were being taught. 
This interactive video was full of signs to learn and very “kid-friendly”. My preschooler was able to mimic most of the signs he was shown. He was totally into the video and did not get up off the sofa one time. The video had his full attention, and that is a very hard feat to accomplish! 
 I thought the video was just the right length, not too long and not too short. Louise Sattler does a great job teaching the children sign language. I was impressed with the Spanish words in sign too. My son is very eager to learn other languages. I try to teach him spanish words and he recognized a few of the spanish words being taught in sign, He thought it was very “cool!”
 Louise Sattler also has folders & language charts available. They both have photos of children signing on them and the word they are signing is listed under each photo. These would make excellent learning aids and are great idea.
I give “Baby, Toddler and Preschool Sign Language” a big thumbs-up! A+, job well done! If you are looking for a DVD that will teach your baby, toddler or preschooler sign language, this is the one for you! 
   <— signing “book”