My Weekend Project- Patio Chair Facelift!!

May 7, 2012

So, the patio chairs were looking really rough. I purchased them about 4 years ago, at a garage sale. The previous owners had used them inside-but I wanted them for outside! The chairs are made of bamboo (I believe) and have some wicker here & there. The cushions were thrown out earlier this year, the elements…and the squirrels, had taken their toll! I purchased new cushions at a hardware store and that improved the look of the chairs tremendously, but they still looked pretty pitiful. Take a look for yourself:


Pretty sad, huh?! First thing I did, (about 2 wks ago) was fill in some of the cracks with spackle. (Not sure if that’s what I was supposed to use, but it’s what I used!). I think it worked pretty well. Yesterday, I went to the hardware store to pick out some paint. I wanted a really bright color, like a yellow or a red…turquoise… but I decided to play it safe and went for a dark brown color- to match the cushions we already have.

Before I painted them (I used a spray paint made by Rustoleum) I knew I had to sand them. I could see lots of the old varnish flaking off, so I spent about half an hour sanding them both down. It was very easy to do.

Once that was done, it was time to paint! I ended up using a can on each chair & then went back to the store and purchased one more can so I could go over both chairs one last time, used about 1/2 of that can.

This was my first time using spray paint, and I did not have any problems…besides the fact that I got some paint on my hands…note to self: use gloves next time! Here’s the final product- I really like them!

 Before & after!



Don’t be afraid to get out there and try something new- I had never spray painted furniture before yesterday- but I went for it and I’m glad I did!

Keep on using your Mommy Powers!