
My First Blogger’s Conference… Blogalicious ’12, here I come!!!!

September 27, 2012

I am so excited to be going to my first blogger’s conference. In just a few days, I will be surrounded by a few hundred women- all of them bloggers! I look forward to learning so much more than I currently know about blogging… I know I have a lot to learn. This conference is going to help me in so many ways. First off, I am uber shy!! Extremely shy… so just going to this is a big deal… totally stepping out of my comfort zone. But you know what? I’m ready, I’m ready to spread my wings and fly… or at least attempt to!

I have gotten to know many of the ladies that will be attending the conference via social media. They are a bunch of very talented women, and I hope to glean a little from each one. I am booked for just about every session they have to offer! And hoping to get a transcript or video of the sessions I cannot attend.

Did I mention this conference is in Vegas?! WHAT?! My first conference ever AND it’s in Vegas?! Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!! OH! And let’s not even get started talking about food! I plan on trying a little of this … and a little of that… little bit more of this… you get the picture! It has been years since I have been to Vegas & I am going to enjoy each and every moment of it!

Since this is my first conference, I thought I would try to do something special for the ladies that I will be meeting. I have been calling and emailing companies to see if they would be willing to donate snacks for me to hand out to the women. So far, I have had a lot of rejections… and a couple of folks that said yes!! I don’t want to mention any names, just yet, in case things don’t pan out- but I think I will be passing out some great sweet treats to the ladies in attendance and the sponsors/brands I meet! I am overjoyed about this!!! To think that little ole me could get treats donated for this event is mind-blowing! I appreciate the donors kindness so very much! I will be sure to post picks of all the goodies and give a great big shout-out to the deserving companies!!

So, I need to start packing… don’t want to forget anything. OH! I almost forgot to mention something. I have challenged myself to be as frugal as possible in preparing for this trip. I want to show all the other moms and women out there that you do not have to break the bank to look nice. I have purchased a few “new” and not so “new” items of clothing for the conference. I made my purchases at Ross and a local thrift shop! I will post pics of my items when I return!

I did go to Michael’s (I fell in love with the place!) and buy a tee and some letters so I could personalize it with my twitter handle!! I plan on wearing it the first day of the conference. What do you think?!

Have any of y’all been to a blogger’s conference before? What did you like about it? Did you learn a lot? I’d love to hear about your experiences!!