Health Social Good

Shot@Life Campaign, Help Me Save Children’s Lives!

January 12, 2013

I’m writing you today to share a cause that is very near and dear to me. My family has been impacted by disease. Horrible diseases that there were once no vaccines for. I never got to meet my maternal Grandmother. She passed away when my mom was just 5 years old, of Tuberculosis. My uncle contracted Polio when he was a baby. He has lived his entire life in pain. He was one of the “lucky” ones, he survived.

Tuberculosis…Polio…something we really don’t give much thought to today. Not here in the U.S. anyways. But outside of our borders, children are dying everyday. They are dying from diseases like Polio and Tuberculosis, Rotavirus and others. Diseases that we have vaccines for.

I have experienced the loss of a child, through miscarriage…twice actually. One very early in my pregancy & the other at 16 weeks gestation. No mother should ever lose a child. And certainly no mother should ever lose a child to a preventable disease.


Every 20 seconds a child dies from a vaccine-preventable disease… every 20 secondsShot@Life travels the world, providing vaccines to people that need them most. Every child matters, no matter where they live.

$50 provides vaccines for 50 children! You can save 50 lives for just $50, isn’t that amazing.

I was just named a Shot@Life Champion, my number one goal is to get the word out about the work they are doing. Please visit to learn more. Very soon, I will be going to Washington, DC for training with Shot@Life . I want to be able to present them with a check while I am there.


Please help me save lives! Donate & share this campaign with everyone you know!  $1, $5, $10 …Every little bit helps.  You can donate to my Shot@Life campaign here.

Thank you! 🙂

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