
Introducing Moto X! Gettin’ My Tech On with Guy Kawasaki & Motorola! {#MeetMotoX}

August 6, 2013

Disclosure: I was invited to a media event & will be receiving the Moto X to review very soon! All opinions are mine. 

I’ve been keeping a huge secret from y’all. A few weeks ago, I received an email from “The Man” himself, Guy Kawasaki! He invited me to a top secret event at Google Headquarters. We’d be hearing about the new Motorola phone, the Moto X. I was sworn (literally!) to secrecy… and have been dying to tell y’all about this amazing phone!! I arrived at Google Headquarters in the evening. The campus is incredible, they have everything you could possibly want… I saw folks playing volleyball & others going through a fitness boot camp. I heard music coming from one building and saw smiling faces everywhere I looked. Everyone looked so happy to be there, I loved it! 

As I stepped into the building, I was greeted and asked to sign a NDA (non disclosure agreement), which I did. I was asked not to photograph anything I saw (Noooo!) and not to discuss the event with anyone, (What event?!). I was then led up a staircase that you’ve got to see to believe! It was all lit up,

with each of our names scrolling across each stair step! I knew then, I was in for a heck of a time! Google-stairway-to-heaven-photo-by-Robert-Scoble As I looked around, I saw movers & shakers of the Tech World.  I also saw accomplished authors, entrepreneurs, athletes and fellow bloggers. It was a small, intimate gathering, about 20 people were invited. (Here’s Kristi Yamaguchi & her husband, Bret Hedican. She was super nice & took time to talk to me. Class act all the way! Aren’t they cute?)photo-324
I was in awe of everyone there. We mingled for a bit, then we were led into an all white room. We were seated and then Mr. Guy Kawasaki stood and spoke for a few minutes. He shared his years at Apple with us and told us about “Guy’s Golden Touch,” which is “Whatever is gold, Guy touches!”

motox_presentation01He is a charming man, very sweet and just a good human being. He radiates kindness! (He was born in Hawaii, just like my oldest!) He introduced us to Motorola’s VP of Product, Rick Osterloh, pictured below.motox_presentation02RESPONDS TO YOU

He told us about some of the features of the Moto X, and I was blown away! I have an iPhone, and up until now, I’ve been happy with it. After hearing about the “Ok Google Now” feature… I was having second thoughts. The microphone on the Moto X is always on, you don’t have to tap or touch anything. Just say, “Ok Google Now” and the phone will be activated. Wanna know what restaurants are nearby and you’re in the car driving? No problem, just say, “Ok Google Now- where’s the nearest Thai restaurant?” The Moto X will look it up for you and then tell you, even map it out for you if you want. Say what?! Mr. Osterloh even demonstrated the feature for us, it worked like a charm. And guess what? It won’t drain the battery!! Yay! 

DESIGNED BY YOU20130710_181206_633 See all those COLORS! Yes, you now have a choice! You can design the Moto X to fit you! You pick the color… there’s more than 20,000 color combos & more on the way. Through their online studio, Moto Maker, you choose the colors & decide on the details: front, back, accents, memory, wallpapers, you can even add a name or short message to the back. (Like your email address, in case the phone is lost and a good samaritan finds it, you can now be contacted!) The phones are assembled in my home state of Texas, and will ship to you in 4 days or less (for FREE!).


Graphic created by: TerriAnn van Gosliga

Graphic created by: TerriAnn van Gosliga


The Moto X has a curved back, designed to fit your hand comfortably, along with a 4.7-inch screen that makes it easy to operate with only one hand. 20130710_185929
With a couple quick twists of your wrist, the Moto X camera will activate. This takes 2 seconds to do. You won’t have to worry about missing those great pics ever again, every moment you want to capture, you’ll be able to. You can also record video on the phone. And get this, if you are recording something & want a photo of that same event, no problem… just tap the screen! Did I mention you can take a photo by simply tapping the screen, ANYWHERE on the screen? No more trying to take selfies in awkward positions while you reach for a button, just tap the screen-and you’ve taken a pic! 

 After we learned all about the Moto X, we were escorted to a “Show & Tell” area. We got to see how the phones work firsthand. We got to touch them, handle them and play with them all we wanted! I loved how the phone fit in my hand perfectly. 1085379_10201646248628985_913357331_n20130710_183227_763
Here’s my new friend, Marques Brownlee, giving you the 411 on the new Moto X. 


Moto X will be available in the US, Canada and Latin America starting in late August/early September.
In the US, woven black and woven white models will be available at AT&T, Sprint, US Cellular, Verizon Wireless and at national retailers including Best Buy stores with a suggested retail price of $199 with a new two-year agreement. Additionally, it will be available on all carriers, including T-Mobile, at
Visit to sign-up for more details about Moto Maker, which will first be available for AT&T users. And, coming soon to Best Buy.
I’m no tech guru, but I know what I like. I know I want a touch-free phone, I NEED a touch-free phone! I want a phone with a killer camera, that will let me take the pics I want, when I want and not have to be fumbling around with buttons. I want a phone that doesn’t drain the battery. I want a phone in MY favorite colors, not the colors I’m assigned.  I had a grin the size of Texas planted on my face the entire time I was at the Moto X event. This phone will blow your mind! 
What color will YOU get?! 
Photos & video courtesy of Motorola, Robert Scoble, Marquez Brownlee, TerriAnn van Gosliga & me!