
Hidden Danger of Uterine Fibroids-What You Must Know

April 9, 2014

I’ve posted before about my own personal battle with fibroids. You can read all about it here: Aunt Flo Overstaying Her Welcome? I shared that I underwent an Abdominal Myomectomy a few years ago.  For those unfamiliar with the procedure; Abdominal Myomectomy is type of surgery. Your surgeon will locate as many fibroids as possible & cut them out of your uterus. You will then be stitched up and spend several days in the hospital, before being sent home to finish recuperating. Recovery time is about six weeks. Abdominal Myomectomy is major surgery. (Below is a photo of the fibroids that were removed from my uterus during my Abdominal Myomectomy).

Fibroids removed during Abdominal Myomectomy surgeryThe fibroids that are removed cannot return, but there is no guarantee that new ones will not form. Such is the case with me. I’m once again plagued with fibroids and recently made an appointment with my OB/Gyn. I’ve been dealing with this mess for so long-I’ve become very accustomed to the pain and everything else involved.

My latest visit and discussion with my new Doc was an eye-opener. As I was talking to her and describing my latest symptoms, she stopped what she was doing (typing everything I said into my chart), looked at me and said, “That’s scary!”  She then went on to say what I was describing was Acute Blood Loss and it could lead to a HEART ATTACK! What?!

Prior to this, all I’d ever worried about was Anemia. No Dr had ever told me that all this blood loss could lead to a heart attack! Things just got real! It’s time to make some major healthcare decisions-this has got to stop. First thing I decided to do was get a Lupron injection. The injection is supposed to stop my cycle. It’s given once a month, for several months. It cannot be used long-term, as it can be harmful.

I have important choices to make. I’m scheduled for a few ultrasounds, and once we get those results back, I’ll be ready to take the next step. I will be sharing my journey with all of you-no matter what I decide.

I think it’s important that women know fibroids need to be taken seriously. Don’t suffer in silence, tell your Dr everything that’s going on with you. Your life might depend on it.