One week ago, as I was reeling from the news that my favorite entertainer of all time, Prince, had passed away- I received an invite I couldn’t turn down. Thanks to Bloggin’ Mamas & KOA Campgrounds for inviting me & my family on a weekend getaway.
This was my first experience at a KOA Campground, and I really didn’t know what to expect. I’ve seen a few KOA commercials on TV in recent years, and I’ve even driven past a few KOA properties in the past…their sign is pretty easy to identify with it’s bright yellow, red & black colors. I’m sure you’ve all seen at least one, right?!
Before I go any further, I need y’all to know that I am a bit of a “Camping Snob.” I’m not really the tent on the ground kinda girl. Don’t get it twisted tho, I have camped out in a tent on a few occasions. Lost Maples in TX comes to mind-back in the day, and Northern AZ when our oldest was in Boy Scouts. So yeah, I been there done that. I’m more of a Glamper! Like that time I surprised the family with a trip to Safari West! Yes! We STILL talk about that trip. That was my introduction to glamping, and I was hooked!
I grew up going camping with my Grandparents. They had a camp (cabin with running water & an outhouse) in Eastern Texas on the TX/LA border. I spent every summer there growing up. I learned how to fish, descale & gut a fish at that camp. I watched my Grandparents grow everything they ate, they had a HUGE garden. My Grandmother would can & freeze food for the winter months. My Grandfather raised earthworms for fish bait & composted everything. So yeah, camping is in my blood. I love being in the great outdoors.
I’m kinda embarrassed to say this, but before our stay, I pretty much thought KOA was just for folks with RV’s. (I know, right?!) Was I ever wrong! I saw all types of campers at the KOA Petaluma Campground, right outside of San Francisco. There were the hardcore folks in their tents (more power to ya!), the folks in their RV’s & airstreams, the Camping Cabin peeps (small log cabins), and Deluxe Cabins…YES! Glamping honey- complete with electricity, TV, kitchenettes & full bathroom!
So you see, KOA is for everyone. When I say EVERYONE, I truly mean it.
There’s more #diversity in#camping than ever before. Camping is for everyone, not just some. Don’t like tents, no problem, book a KOA Cabin! #Latinos &#AfricanAmericans, don’t miss out – we outchea too! #KOACamping 
I’m a firm believer in equal opportunities for ALL. I was extremely excited to learn that 1 in 5 new campers is African American! YAY! I had a blast camping with my family. I want to encourage more Brown & Black families to try Koa Camping. The fresh air, the s’mores roasting by the campfires at night, the kids exploring nature… what’s not to like?! I was just minutes, literally, from the City- but I felt like I was on my own little island. There’s something to be said for being in the great outdoors- it makes you appreciate life so much more & it helps to put everything into perspective. I really needed the time away-I needed to disconnect & just “be” … you ever feel like that?
When was the last time you went camping? Maybe you thought you’d have to be on the ground in a tent, but now you know you don’t. Maybe you thought there wouldn’t be any running water, or electricity, or indoor bathroom-but now you know there is. (There’s even a great WI-FI connection, shhh.) What’s been keeping you from booking a weekend at KOA? No matter where you live in the US (or Canada) there’s a KOA Campground near you!
Book a weekend for your family…or soccer team…or that family reunion! What about your next girl’s getaway?! Just do it, try KOA for yourself, make new memories with YOUR family.
In “Part 2” of my KOA camping experience; I will feature the KOA Petaluma Campground & show you all the things that make it a great camping option right outside of San Francisco! You’re gonna love it!