Something’s been bothering me for awhile now, bubbling up, simmering just below the surface. This past week, it boiled over. I’m talking about the topic of Black on Black crime.
It seems this topic only comes up when discussing something else, usually unrelated to Black on Black crime. Take for example a discussion about Black Lives Matter, sooner or later, someone will mention Black on Black crime. ( I immediately think to myself, “Umm, that’s not what we’re talking about right now.”)
Why do folks always bring up Black on Black crime anytime the discussion is about issues concerning Black people? Why is it almost always done in a way that tries to undermine or distract from the topic at hand?
Trust me, folks in the Black community are aware of crimes committed against them by ALL races, ethnicities, and nationalities, including other Black folks. It’s the reason they take to the streets and participate in Stop the Violence marches, one of many events organized to combat violence in their communities. Just because you don’t see what’s going on behind the scenes, or you’re not privy to the discussions, doesn’t mean it’s not taking place.
This week, I was discussing the recent “Covington” headlines with someone. The conversation was initiated by them. I told them I was not a fan of the school, and explained how Covington students at a basketball game had taunted a Black basketball player from another school, while wearing black face. The reply I received back was, “White people in black face aren’t killing black folks every day, other black folks are killing their own people on a regular basis in inner cities across the U.S.”
Ah, there it was again. But that’s not what we were talking about!
It’s become so predictable. No matter what the topic, if it deals with Black lives, injustices committed against Black people, speaking up for Black folks … “But what about Black on Black crime” is always the response.
The truth of the matter is most people are killed (murdered) by people they know. This holds true for all crime victims. So most Blacks are killed by Blacks, Whites are killed by Whites, and Latinos by Latinos. It makes sense, right? If you’re Black and live in a predominantly Black neighborhood, and a crime is committed against you in that neighborhood, chances are it was committed by another Black person. Latinos in Latino neighborhoods fall victim to crimes committed by other Latinos. Asians commit crimes against other Asians, and so on and so on.
The Facts
FBI data from 2016 shows 90.1% of Black homicide victims were killed by other Blacks, & 83.5% of Whites were murdered by other Whites. Whites assault, rob, rape, and murder other Whites.
So, where are all the discussions about White on White crime? I’ve never once heard anyone bring up White on White crime. Have you?
Don’t be that person bringing up Black on Black crime to distract from the real issues and topics at hand. It’s old and tired, do better.
Art: ByGraceLynne.com