
Recycling Is A Beautiful Thing – How We Got Started

March 6, 2013


Does your family recycle? Mine does, but we didn’t always.  When our son was in 4th grade, he came home from school one day and asked me why we didn’t recycle. His class had been learning all about recycling in school. He went on to share how recycling is one of the easiest and most beneficial ways we can all help the environment. Did you know only about 30% of PET plastic bottles get recycled. For recycling to work, we all need to do our part. After talking to my son about the benefits of recycling, I knew it was something we needed to start doing. It’s a no-brainer. Recycling is easy, and doesn’t cost you anything – it just takes a little time.

We have 2 sets of recycling piles. One contains paper, cardboard, glass, metal and plastic that we cannot get a refund on. Those items go into our big blue recycle bin and the city collects it on a weekly basis. It is taken to the local recycling center. The other pile we have is for everything we can get a cash refund on! (Y’all know I’m thrifty!) We save them all up until we have 3 or 4 big bags full, then we turn them in for some cold, hard cash! All our aluminum cans (we don’t have very many of those, we rarely drink soda), glass bottles, and plastic juice and water bottles. Lots & lots of water bottles! Here’s a pic of the bags all loaded up in the car & ready to go. (The small blue bag has all the bottle lids in it).SONY DSCSpeaking of water bottles, we like to drink Arrowhead Water. Not all water is created equal.  With a heritage dating back to 1894, Arrowhead® Brand 100% Mountain Spring Water comes only from carefully selected mountain springs that are continually replenished.  What starts out as rain and snow, soaks into the ground and is filtered naturally by the earth with a distinct balance of minerals to create our crisp refreshing taste. I also like their commitment to helping protect our environment.  Arrowhead’s new ReBorn™ bottle is made with 50% recycled plastic and demonstrates how the plastic you recycle can be given a new life.


Recycled plastic is simply a better source of plastic. It’s part of Arrowhead’s ongoing commitment to preserving our natural springs, and ensures that every bit of Arrowhead, both inside and out, is truly Born Better. Due to the limited supply of high quality recycled plastic, we need your help in recycling so companies like Arrowhead® 100% Mountain Spring Water can use more recycled plastic in our products!  You can learn more about the Reborn Bottle on Facebook, and while you’re there; watch “Recycling Is A Beautiful Thing”, a video on the the beauty of recycling and Arrowhead’s initiative.

And our son, that 4th grader who taught me all about recycling? He’s now 19 years old and still making sure I recycle everything I possibly can!


**Disclosure: This is a sponsored post in collaboration with Arrowhead Waters, all opinions are my own. **