Moms Over 40

Every Birthday is a Blessing! {Women & Aging}

September 18, 2013

I recently had a birthday, Yay me! As I celebrated quietly at home, (it was a weekday), I got to thinking about all the women out there that dread their birthdays. Why is that?!

I have a friend, who shall remain nameless, that curses each & every birthday before it arrives. The thought of getting old (older) infuriates her. I remember when her 30th was fast approaching, she moaned & groaned for weeks- WEEKS! She kept complaining that she was getting “old” and she didn’t want to. Umm, the only other alternative is death, honey! Either we get older each year or we cease to exist- that’s the truth of the matter. 

481858_10151147259766851_1149835456_n-1Why would she gripe about being blessed (yes, life is a blessing, in my book) with another year of life? Another year to spend with her child, and watch him grow. Another year to be with her loved ones and create memories. Another year to enjoy all that LIFE has to offer? Why?! 

I believe the media (fashion magazines, for example, which my friend devours) are partially to blame. Open up a fashion mag, any mag for that matter… what do you see? I’ll tell you what I see. Beautiful, YOUNG models… on every single page. Anti-aging ads telling you how to get rid of or prevent wrinkles. Ads from Clairol telling you to get rid of that grey hair so you don’t look “old.” Looking old-getting old-being old- that’s the “enemy.”

I’ve lived long enough to know that not every one is blessed with another year. I’ve seen very young people die of horrible diseases, car accidents, heart attacks. I’m sure their families would love to still have them here on this earth; and they wouldn’t mind if they had grey hair or wrinkles. 

Am I concerned with wrinkles? I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t. Do I obsess about it? No, I do not. I’ve earned the wrinkles I have. They represent many of the trials & tribulations I’ve LIVED through. Abusive relationships, there’s a wrinkle for that! Uterine fibroids and surgeries, there’s a grey hair for that! Losing 2 babies through miscarriage, my frown lines are a daily reminder of my angels in Heaven. 

Instead of dreading each birthday, embrace it! Life is a gift, we are blessed with every single day we are given. Yes, you’ll get wrinkles -wear them proudly, they’re your badge of honor; showing the world you’ve been through some stuff and you’re still here. You’re still standing! I had a baby at 40, FORTY! How many women can say that? Was I sitting at home cursing my age? No, I was showing the world that age is just a number. I felt more alive at 40, than my friend felt at 29. Isn’t that crazy? 

Live your life-do what you want to do. Be thankful for each & every birthday you are blessed with. LOVE YOURSELF! 

Happy Birthday!