
My Fibroid Journey Continues… #hysterectomy

June 18, 2014

Thought I’d update y’all on my #fibroid journey. Since my last update, I’ve had a sonogram. The sonogram showed exactly what I knew it would… I have many large fibroids. I had fibroid surgery some years back and a few fairly large fibroids were removed (see pic below), so the sonogram results weren’t news to me. Fibroids removed during Abdominal Myomectomy surgeryAfter going over the results with my doctor, we decided on giving me Lupron injections. Lupron is a drug administered to male patients with Pancreatic Cancer, to help relieve their symptoms. It’s also used for women with “female issues” like me. It halts your cycle, and if you’re lucky, will help to shrink your uterus a wee bit.

Sounds like a Godsend huh? Well, yes & no. It can have some mean side effects (just Google it!) and can be harmful if used for an extended period of time. I’ll just be on it for three months, with one injection given per month.


At the end of the three months, I will be undergoing a Hysterectomy. It’s not something I really want to do- but it needs to be done. I’ve exhausted all other options. I’m thankful that my family has been so supportive and helpful through all of this.

I will be documenting everything, each step of the way. I’ll also be giving you the inside scoop- these things need to be discussed. Until next time- take care!

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