
My Son Has #OldSpice Swagger! {Money Saving Coupon!} #Combos4Success

September 25, 2014

Disclaimer: This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Latina Mom Bloggers and Old Spice. All opinions are 100% (2)

There was a time when my oldest didn’t really care about his appearance or hygiene…as a preteen, I’d have to remind him to take a shower. All of that changed right around the end of his sophomore year of high school. All of a sudden, he started to pay more attention to his physical appearance. He started combing his hair on a regular basis, showering, and ‘borrowing’ his Dad’s cologne – that’s when I picked up a few Old Spice products for him, so he could have his own stash.

IMG_7765I grew up with the scent of Old Spice in my home, but let me tell you- Old Spice has changed! There are hip new scents and so many products, this isn’t your Daddy’s Old Spice! The brand recently conducted a poll of 18-35 year old men to find out about some of their favorite manly combinations. Favorite combination of food if you were stranded on a deserted island? Best combo to fix something? Here’s the results:

OldSpice_Infographic_FINALI see some great combos on here: football & wings, hot dogs & mustard…my son would add root beer and vanilla ice cream! If you ask me, the best combo for my son is Old Spice Body Wash, Shampoo & Deodorant! (I’m sure the Mom’s out there will agree; there’s nothing worse than teen boy funk!) Old Spice deodorant, body wash & 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner combo results in amazing, manly freshness from head to toe! That’s music to both my ears & nose!

Have you seen the newest Old Spice commercials on TV? I like how they’re always pushing the envelope of creativity, here’s the latest one:  How funny is that? Old Spice smells so good, even a Mandroid is irresistible when using it! You can find more hilarious Old Spice videos on their Youtube channel.

If you’d like your son to smell fresh from head to toe, I’ve got coupons to share with you, every little bit helps, right?! Just click on the photo below for your coupons. (Ya’ll know I’m thrifty!

OldSpice_SMS1 (1)You can also follow Old Spice on TwitterFacebook & Instagram.

What age was your son when he started caring about his appearance?! 

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