Education Frugal Living Tips

Let’s Talk About Financial Management, Shall We?!

November 22, 2014

This post is brought to you by a #sponsored campaign in collaboration with Latina Bloggers Connect and Wells Fargo. All thoughts and content are my own.

I grew up watching my Mom clip coupons and buy things on sale. As a result, I’m a pretty frugal person; I know how to save my money and like my Mother, I’m all about waiting for a good sale. We aren’t all frugal, but I believe we can all learn ways to better manage our finances.


Empower yourself with financial knowledge. I have met so many people, women especially, that don’t know anything about budgeting, good credit or saving money. These are things that every woman needs to educate herself on. I know some of you are saying, “My husband takes care of that.” Right? Wrong! You need to know how to handle these things for yourself! I’m a strong Latina woman-I don’t need a man controlling my finances, I’m more than capable of doing that for myself, gracias! Don’t depend on someone else, take the first step and learn how to manage YOUR finances YOURSELF! We all work hard for our money, and it’s vital that we know how to make it work for us. By sticking to a budget, I’m able to monitor my finances and know exactly how much I have to spend (and save!) every month.

Five Easy Steps To Creating A Budget

Step 1: Organize. At its core, a budget is a worksheet with two columns: one for income & one for expenses.

Step 2: Track. For one month, keep a detailed log of all your spending habits.

Step 3: Analyze. At the end of the month, add up your income and your expenses and then subtract your expenses from your income.

Step 4: React. After looking at all of your expenses, separate them into categories and set a budget for each.

Step 5: Review: Review your budget every month, particularly in the early stages.

How’s Your Credit?

Do you know what your credit score is or how it’s calculated? Wells Fargo Infographic_ENGLISH Your credit score is extremely important. A good score could mean the difference between qualifying for a home loan or being denied. Staying on budget and paying your bills on time will help ensure a high credit score. When it’s time to buy that new home, you’ll be so glad you put in the work to raise your credit score!

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I wasn’t born knowing these things, someone taught me. We all have to learn from someone, verdad? If you’re not as well-versed on personal finances as you’d like to be, no worries. Wells Fargo is committed to making financial education and in-language resources available to Latino consumers. They provide customers with bilingual online tools, Spanish Text Banking, Spanish account statements, Spanish-language call centers, Spanish-speaking bankers in stores across the nation, and more. These resources are a Godsend for family members that feel more confident communicating in Espanol.

As part of that commitment, and in order to connect with the Hispanic community in a meaningful way, Wells Fargo recently collaborated with Telemundo for the “Conversemos de Tus Finanzas” campaign. The campaign is focused on empowering Hispanics to enhance their financial knowledge and help them to reach their financial goals. The campaign provides customized content, tools and resources around the important financial topics of money management and credit.

Invest in yourself, your familia, and your future, by learning all you can about financial management. Si se puede!

Big shout out to #WellsFargo for going the extra mile and giving us the tools we need to succeed.