#DIY Air Freshener – Make Your Home Smell Delicious!

January 16, 2015

I visited  a friend yesterday, and before I left; she asked me if I wanted to take some lemons home with me. She has a Lemon Tree in her backyard. Being a fan of all things lemon (lemonade, lemon pound cake, lemon cookies, lemon bars), I took her up on her offer and came home with a bag full of fresh lemons! (Thanks, Becky!) 

This morning I decided to make my home made Air Freshener, at least that’s what I call it. (Or is it potpourri?) Either way, I’m trying to cut down on the chemicals & toxins in our home, and this all-natural concoction makes the entire house smell yummy.

10487432_917870798252994_4297997138054364233_n This recipe is super easy, you’ll need:

1 Lemon, cut into quarters

1 teaspoon Cinnamon (give or take- I just eyeballed it)

10 whole cloves 

Fill a small pot with water & add your ingredients, put the pot on the stove and turn the heat on low…just let it simmer. Within minutes, your house will begin to smell fantastic. Be sure to check the water level in the pot frequently, and refill as needed.

I used to be addicted to air fresheners & plug-ins, now I just use this. Give it a try & let me know what you think! #MommyPowersDIY



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