Entertainment Social Good

#ShareYourCare Day Twitter Party! 9/9/15

September 1, 2015

Bloggin’ Mamas Social Good Campaign

Care Bears Share Your Care Twitter party 9-9-15 at 9p EST RSVP http://bit.ly/shareyourcareparty

It’s a Party…a Care Bear Party! 

#ShareYourCare Twit­ter Party

Join Mixed Blessings Blog, Blog­gin’ Mamas & the Care Bears,™ as we host the #ShareYourCare Twit­ter Party on Wednesday, 9/9/15 at 9p EST! Join us as we celebrate the Share Your Care National Holiday and chat about how we are sharing our care in our communities. There will be some fun prizes as well!

Date: Wed, Sept 9, 2015

Time: 9:00–10:00pm EST / 6:00–7:00pm PST

Hash­tag: #ShareYourCare

Pre­sented by: @BlogginMamas and @CareBearsFriend

Mod­er­a­tors: Eng­lish– @HeLoEnterprises Span­ish– @BBabushka

Co-hosts: @EnzasBargains, @MamasMission, @DarciBean, @MommyPowers (that’s ME!), and @DoveBlog


September 9th is National Care Bears™ #ShareYourCare Day!
With your help on that day, the Care Bears™ are encouraging fans to spread caring, sharing, love, friendship, acceptance, fun and happiness to those around them that day, and each and every day of the year! That day, Care Bears is participating in an event helping 10 year old Zach Kaplan of #ZachKapCares and his mission to gift children in need with a soft bear to hug at night by donating 400 Care Bears plush to Leake & Watts, a head start program serving 8,000 in New York City and Westchester County!

But We Need YOU!

Remember, #ShareYourCare could be small, simple things like sharing a toy with your sibling, taking out the trash for your mom, or helping an older neighbor across the street. Or bigger things like planting a tree, or spending a day volunteering for a charity. Through this important movement, the Care Bears will inspire everyone to be kind, think of others and #ShareYourCare every day.

First and foremost, we would love it if you would share one of your own #ShareYourCare stories. Also, please sign up as part of the official #ShareYourCare Crew via www.CareBearsShare.com where all of the amazing #ShareYourCare testimonials will be collected and later shared!
To celebrate the culmination of the day, we will be hosting a Twitter Party at 9pm EST/ 6pm PST to discuss how we shared our care that day and we will be giving out some fun Care Bears prizes too! 

Dur­ing the Twit­ter Party there will be a chance to win one of the fol­low­ing prizes by answer­ing var­i­ous ques­tions. Win­ners will be selected at ran­dom from all eli­gi­ble entries.

Grand Prize


1– Care Bears Prize Pack with a Large Care Bears Plush, “Be As Happy as Pos­si­ble” T-Shirt, Pil­low, Sta­dium Cup and Blind Pack

First Prize

1– Care Bears Prize Pack with a T-Shirt, Pil­low, Sta­dium Cup and Blind Pack


1– Care Bears Prize Pack with a Pil­low, Sta­dium Cup and Blind Pack

1– Care Bears Prize Pack with a Pil­low and Sta­dium Cup

1– Care Bears T-Shirt

 RSVP Prize

1– Care Bears Prize Pack with Five (5) Blind Packs

US Res­i­dents age 18 and over are eli­gi­ble to enter.

Tweet Share:

Dis­clo­sure: Blog­gin’ Mamas is man­ag­ing this Twit­ter Party as part of a social good campaign. Individual co-hosts, such as myself, may be provided with Care Bears items for assisting with this campaign. All prize ful­fill­ment is the respon­si­bil­ity of the sponsor.

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