
Veterans Day 2015

November 11, 2015


I grew up in a military family, deep in the heart of Texas. Growing up surrounded by military bases, there were active duty military members everywhere… in the grocery store, malls, dropping off their kids at the same schools I attended. My father served in the Army & worked on a military base. My Brother served during Desert Storm/ Desert Shield. My husband was in the USAF for over a decade.

Growing up, I never really realized the sacrifices our military members make on a daily basis. When I became a Military Wife, all that changed. Being the wife of an active-duty military member is hard. You never know when your loved one is going to be called out, as in called out to war! My husband used to keep a duffel bag in the trunk of his car, inside were the clothes he would need if he was ever activated. The worst part about knowing your spouse could be called up? Knowing that they would not be able to tell you where they were going- that’s all top secret. Most times, they aren’t even allowed to see you before they leave- they just leave. 

So many people think our military members are swimming in money. I’m not sure how that rumor started, but I’m hear to tell you that couldn’t be farther from the truth! I remember friends & family members calling us, asking to borrow money. When we’d tell them we didn’t have it, they’d always say, “Come on, I KNOW you have it, you’re in the military!”  Don’t get me wrong, there are people in the military doing quite well. The majority of those are NCO’s (non-commissioned officers)- your every day enlisted military member? Many of them are living paycheck to paycheck. Many of them are on WIC & buying their groceries with food stamps. 

Our military members leave their families for weeks at a time for training exercises, and those are the lucky ones. Others are given orders to report to a foreign country for months at a time, and still others are given orders to another country for years at a time. Imagine being separated from your loved ones for months or years-it’s not easy. Mothers and fathers not able to see their children, husbands & wives not being able to see each other. This is the sacrifice our military members & their families make every single day.

One thing that I loved about being a military wife, was the closeness of the military community. Your friends & neighbors become like family. You share with each other and help each other through every assignment and separation. You lean on one another for virtually everything from moral support to meals. You don’t find that in the civilian world and it’s hard to explain.

Our military friends are family to us- to this day we are very close to those we served with. 

I do not regret my time as a Military Wife, I’m proud to say I was a military wife… it taught me a lot about myself & about life. It made me stronger and more appreciative of everything I have…especially my freedom.

To all Veterans out there & those still serving, I salute you! Thank you for all you do, for all of us.

