
The Ghost of Thanksgiving Past

November 26, 2015

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As I was in the kitchen yesterday & today, preparing my family’s Thanksgiving meal- I couldn’t help but think about past Thanksgiving celebrations. Growing up, I spent every single Thanksgiving at my Grandparent’s house in East Texas. We’d wake up early, pack up the car & drive 400 miles to their home. My Mom would usually spend most of the trip holding a Tupperware container, pie pan or whatever container(s) that held the dessert(s) she’d made the night before to take to my grandparents. 

I can remember sleeping in the backseat of the car, waking up to the aroma of coffee. My Mom would always fill a thermos with hot coffee for my dad, to help him stay awake on the long drive. I can still see the steam rising off the cup.

Once we arrived at my Grandmother’s home-I’d dash into the kitchen to see what she was cooking. My Grandmother was one of the best cooks to ever walk planet Earth! She made everything from scratch. She grew all of her own veggies, canned food for winter, made jellies & jams, and anything else you can imagine. I can still taste her homemade chocolate cake & homemade chocolate frosting, it was so decadent! Holidays meant she’d be in the kitchen making her peanut brittle, divinity, fudge, pecan pies & coconut cream pies… and chocolate cake- always chocolate cake! 

There were always lima beans (straight from the garden of course), black-eyed peas, cornbread, greens, butter beans, dirty rice … the list goes on & on! If we were lucky, there’d be leftover pot roast & gravy from the night before. My Grandmother made the best Pot Roast- I can still smell it. 

As dinner time approached, my Mom would instruct me to “go change your clothes” … it was time to put on my Sunday best. I’d pull on my tights & a brand new dress purchased for the occasion, my Mom would fix my hair & I’d wait in the living room for my cousins to arrive. Once they did, it was time for Hide & Go Seek & other games we always played together. 

When it was time to eat, all us kids would sit at the kiddie table (or all together at the grown-up table) and eat as fast as we could so we could go back to playing. 

Those holidays meant the world to me – I hope I never forget how much fun I had and how lucky I was to have such awesome role models like my Grandparents. I’m thankful for all the memories.

Happy Thanksgiving.