Education Family

Success Isn’t Always Measured By Straight A’s

June 1, 2016


When you’re the parent of a child with challenges, life is often filled with frustration & tears…on both sides. Homework is accompanied by meltdowns. Our son has been in speech therapy since Kinder, he also struggles with many symptoms of SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder, if you’re not familiar with it, google it & read over the symptoms-that’s my boy, with one exception: he’s great at sports).
Today I attended an awards assembly at my son’s school & watched as his name was called out 5 different times…FIVE! He had 2 years growth in both reading & math. He scored the most points growth for both reading (80 points) & math (130 points) in iReady. He was most improved in his class for reading & math.
Does he still struggle with these subjects? Yes, he does. Good grades don’t come easy for him. He has to really put forth a lot of effort to remain at grade level. He learns differently than other kids. And that’s ok.
It’s ok if your child isn’t a genius. It’s ok if they’re not straight A students. My son is bright & witty & a fantastic athlete. He has to work harder than other students, because that’s how he’s wired. But don’t think for a moment that my son is less than, not capable or not smart. Kids that are different are still capable of getting the job done. The path they take to get there might look different, and it might take them longer; but the joy they feel when they get there is contagious!
I’m thankful that my son’s school acknowledges his achievements & encourages & inspires him to keep striving to improve.
To parents of kids that learn differently- never give up on your child. They are capable of doing great & mighty things! Encourage them, build them up when they’re down, let them know you believe in them-even when they don’t believe in themselves…especially when they don’t believe in themselves!
4th grade, here he comes!

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