
Unfriended By A Loved One- Social Media & Relationships

August 22, 2016


Something happened to me last week. I was unfriended by a loved one. I know what you’re thinking, “She was probably posting about politics or race again.” As heated as those discussions can become, no, that wasn’t the reason. 

To be honest with you, I’m not 100% sure why I was unfriended. I sent a text message to someone, expressing my feelings, feelings of hurt & despair over a relationship that I care deeply about. I was being honest & transparent, something I thought would be appreciated…evidently I was terribly wrong. Next thing I knew, I was unfriended-no explanations given. I don’t know if the tone of my text was misinterpreted, or if my words were “too honest”… if there is such a thing.

Honesty- that’s something I haven’t always had in my life. I’ve been lied to and lied on (sometimes by the same person) more times than I can count. As a result, I try to be as honest as I can with people. In this instance, I guess I should’ve just bit my tongue and pressed on…but I couldn’t. I had to speak my truth. For so long, I’ve allowed others to hurt me, via words and/or deeds. As I approach my 50th birthday-I’m not allowing that in my life anymore. I’m tired of biting my tongue, keeping my feelings bottled up inside me, and accepting less than I feel I deserve.

I also won’t stand by and watch my loved ones be lied to. If I know someone has been less than honest with you, I’m going to point it out to you. Why? Because when I lay my head down at night, I want to do so with a clear conscience. I’d rather be unfriended now, for telling you something you may not have wanted to hear-than have you approach me in 10 years asking me why I wasn’t honest with you way back when. Because the truth will come to light, it always does. I don’t want anyone to ever look me in the eye & say, “You knew about this & never said anything to me. You knew the truth, and kept it to yourself. How could you do that to me?” No sir, not gonna happen. 

I’m a good person, with a good heart. I try to “be there” for people. I love supporting others & watching them flourish. I will continue to live my life the same way. 

Being unfriended hurts, I ain’t gonna lie. I was blindsided by this event and have shed many tears over it. As always, when faced with something I don’t fully understand, I look to God for answers. Roman 8:28 has been the scripture that keeps coming to mind-and it has helped me get through this rough patch in my life. Maybe one day my loved one will deem me worthy of their friendship once again. If & when that day comes, I’ll be here, with open arms. Just because someone unfriends you, doesn’t mean you stop caring. There’s always hope.

Have YOU been unfriended by a loved one? How did YOU cope with it?