This is a sponsored conversation in collaboration with Hyundai Hope On Wheels. All opinions are my own.
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Every 36 minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer in the United States. The average age a child is diagnosed is six, six years old-still a baby. One in five pediatric cancer patients will lose their battle. Three of five who do survive, will experience life-long side effects, (such as diabetes or liver disease), some even contract secondary cancer later in life. Hyundai Hope On Wheels is doing something to change those statistics.
Hyundai Hope On Wheels is a non-profit organization devoted to funding pediatric cancer research.
You may be as shocked as I was to discover that only 4% of all National Cancer Institute research funding is designated for childhood cancer. This is why Hyundai is committed to funding pediatric cancer research in an effort to fill this void. Their mission is to raise awareness for childhood cancer, donate life-saving research funds and celebrate the lives of children affected by this disease. Hope On Wheels is the united effort of over 800 Hyundai dealers across the US to raise awareness about childhood cancer.
In my prior life, before blogging, I worked in the medical field. For over a decade, I worked with many patients, most of them in Pediatrics. I was in charge of referrals & prior authorizations. I was the one getting their medications, vaccines & appointments to specialists authorized by their insurance. I was the person scheduling their hospital procedures and making sure they received the medical care they needed to survive. Over the years, we suffered the loss of several little patients to cancer. I still think about those children and it still hurts knowing they are no longer here on this earth. I remember their names, like Haley Knutsen, who went to the same elementary school as my oldest. She loved ladybugs.
When I was contacted and asked if I’d be interested in attending the Hyundai Hope On Wheels Celebration of Life Gala, in support of pediatric cancer awareness, I knew I had to attend. I also knew that I may not make it through the night without shedding a few tears. I wanted to learn more about Hyundai Hope On Wheels, as I’d never heard of them before.
Discovery is the enemy of pediatric cancer, and Hyundai Hope On Wheels funds discovery by awarding major grants to research centers actively investigating treatments and cures. By the end of 2017, $130 million will have been awarded to groundbreaking research institutes across the country. Hyundai supports the finest minds in pediatric cancer research. These doctors and research scientists are the human faces of hope to affected children and their families. Hyundai Hope On Wheels supports translational research (working directly with pediatric cancer patients), research on low-survival cancers, research in an institution’s core pursuit and research that explores the underlying biology of childhood cancer. Grant winners are selected by a rigorous scientific review panel of physicians.
Every time a Hyundai vehicle is purchased, Hyundai and its U.S. dealers make a donation to Hyundai Hope On Wheels. Did you know that? I didn’t, but I’m determined to help spread the word any way I can!

Nick Norcia, in the middle, surrounded by his amazing family.
As fate would have it, I was seated next to the Mother of one of the key speakers at the Hyundai Hope On Wheels Celebration of Life Gala. Nick Norcia was just 13 years old when he was diagnosed with ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia). He is now 16 and just finished his last cancer treatment this summer. That’s right, he spent the last three years undergoing treatment for cancer. His mom, Mrs. Norcia, shared that she is an RN. She told me that Nick really doesn’t speak about his cancer very much, if at all. Cancer doesn’t define him. If you were to see Nick, you wouldn’t be able to tell he spent three years fighting for his life. You can’t tell he’s received nearly three dozen blood transfusions. He’s handsome and full of life. I watched him laughing and joking around with his brothers. His mother told me about all the research studies Nick is part of & how pediatric cancer treatment is constantly changing and improving. (Truer words were never spoken, as an announcement was made during the dinner about a new drug therapy that was just approved.) She said Nick wanted to speak at the gala because he’s old enough to be a voice for pediatric cancer patients. Many patients are too young to tell their stories, but Nick felt an obligation to be a voice for them. As I watched Nick command the room and tell his story, I couldn’t help but be happy for him & his family. He’s a natural born speaker, even though this was his first time at the podium. He has a story to share & I know his advocacy work will benefit so many.
Grant Programs & Life-Saving Research
Hyundai Hope On Wheels awards grants in four categories to researchers at eligible Children’s Oncology Group member institutions. In 2017, they will present more than $15 Million in pediatric cancer research grants to hospitals across the United States.
“Hyundai Hope On Wheels creates awareness for pediatric cancers and awards large grants to doctors and premiere research centers for life-saving research. This 19-year HHOW commitment awards grants in various categories to researchers at eligible Children’s Oncology Group member institutions. The highly-competitive grants are aimed at expanding the knowledge base of the disease and improving the standards of care. We are encouraged by the advances of technology, and by the potential breakthroughs enabling scientists to understand the disease better than ever. We are on target to award $15 million across 2017 in the form of research grants through our:
Hyundai Quantum Grant: $1,000,000, a 4-year award
Hyundai Scholar Hope Grant: $250,000, a 2-year award
Hyundai Young Investigator Grant: $150,000, a 2-year award
Hyundai Impact Grant: $50,000, an annual award”
You’d think that an event for childhood cancer would be a total bummer, right? That couldn’t have been farther from the truth. I witnessed a room full of life, love, and yes … hope! From the doctors in attendance who received grants (including a $250,000 grant to UCSF), speaking to Zafar Brooks – Executive Director, Corporate Responsibility and Diversity Inclusion at Hyundai, enjoying the musical guest Luke Wade, meeting young Nick Norcia & his loving family, to seeing the young cancer patients and survivors during the traditional handprint ceremony – hope was everywhere.
How You Can Help
If this story has inspired you & you’d like to help Hyundai in their efforts, please visit Every Handprint Tells A Story .
I’d like to thank Hyundai Hope On Wheels for inviting me to attend their gala. It was an honor to be amongst so many brave young warriors. To the doctors & researchers working tirelessly to help pediatric cancer patients I say Thank You! I will continue to support Hyundai Hope On Wheels in any way I can & look forward to sharing more about their work in the future. To Nick Norcia & his family; my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Thank you for taking time to share your story with me. I fully expect to receive an invite to Nick’s party to celebrate his 5 year “no more cancer” anniversary!