Family Health Lifestyle

How To Prevent The Flu Before It Gets You

February 10, 2018

How to prevent the flu

The Flu continues to claim lives throughout the United States. Every day there’s a new headline, informing us of just how bad it is. The CDC has declared this year a record year for the flu. People are getting it, then developing pneumonia, and some are dying as a result.

Though we are used to thinking of the flu as a regular yearly occurrence, it is important for us to remember that the flu is not a common cold. While you don’t want to live your life in fear, it is important for you to remember that a case of the flu is something to have a healthy respect for.

Catching the flu means lost wages, time off of work, and besides that, it is just miserable to have it. You’ll be stuck at home achy, tired, and miserable. Nobody wants that.

We all know lots of methods to deal with the flu once you’ve got it, but remember: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. One of the best ways to manage flu season is to never get it in the first place. While you can’t always avoid it, it is a good idea for you to take some steps to prevent the flu. Try these out to weather the season without getting under the weather.

Clean hands

In order to keep yourself flu free, you have to wash your hands. This isn’t up for discussion, so heed these words. Wash your hands frequently with soap and hot water. If hot water isn’t available to you, make certain you are using a hand sanitizer to keep yourself safe from flu germs. If you shake hands, or come into contact with someone who has the flu, make sure that you scrub your hands (and forearms) really well. This is one of the fastest ways to prevent the disease from spreading.

Don’t touch!

Your eyes, nose, and mouth are all off limits. I know how outrageous that sounds, but we’re trying to prevent the flu here. Obviously, you can occasionally touch your face, but as a general rule, you want to keep your hands away. Your hands are all over things that are covered with germs, the last thing you want is for those germs to wind up on you. Keep those hands away from your face.

Cover your mouth

Do you want to go around with a squirt bottle of flu germs that you spray at everyone? If not, then you want to be certain to cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough. Besides being good manners, it keeps from germs transferring from one person to the next. People are not always the most polite, so be certain to avoid the person who you see hacking all over the sneeze guard at the salad bar. In fact, let’s just avoid the salad bar entirely until flu season is over.

Avoid people

Introverts, nobody had to tell you twice: avoid people who you know have the flu, or regularly come in contact with those who do. People will be walking around touching items, sneezing into their hands, and coughing in your face. The more you can avoid the exposure to the flu, the lower your chances are of getting it.

 Flu vaccine

I know how ridiculous it might seem to get a shot for a flu that changes every year, but hear me out. The flu vaccine is your best bet at preventing the flu from happening. Go to your local doctor and obtain a flu shot to help protect you and your loved ones from this year’s deadly flu.

This year is going to be amazing, and you know why? Because you finally managed to duck that terrible flu once and for all.

Stay healthy!