Health Lifestyle Moms Over 40

Is That A Hair? Secrets of Growing Older Exposed

April 5, 2018

Aging and growing older, secrets exposed

As I get older, I realize there’s a lot of important facts about aging that women have been keeping under wraps! I’m not sure about the reasoning behind it. Perhaps it’s embarrassment, maybe they don’t want to frighten us; whatever it is, it needs to stop!

Sit back and get ready for some cold, hard facts about growing older that you may not know. Today’s lesson is a tough one, but it must be told.

Once you reach a “certain” age; you WILL sprout a chin hair… or two or three. Yep, you heard me correctly. Chin hair!

Why didn’t anyone warn me?! Somewhere in my late 40’s, I awoke one morning with a chin hair! I stumbled upon it quite by accident while putting sunscreen on my face. At first I didn’t know what it was, I had to look in the mirror.

Imagine my horror at discovering a HAIR on my CHIN! I couldn’t believe my eyes. I grabbed my tweezers and plucked that bad boy out quicker than you can say “middle aged!” I call it a hair, but it was really a whisker! AGH! I had a freakin’ whisker growing on my chin, what the heck?!

After plucking that first one out, I started wondering why no one was talking about this. Was I the only one waking up to chin hair?! Surely there were other women out there experiencing the same horror!

I started snooping around and found one or two other women brave enough to talk about their hairy chins. So I wasn’t alone in this struggle after all. So why all the secrecy?

You’ve been warned!

Look, this crap happens to most (if not all) women as they reach peri menopause age. It’s perfectly “normal.” Not talking about it isn’t going to prevent it from happening. We need to share these things with other women, so they’ll be prepared. No one deserves to be blind-sided by a whisker! It’s gonna happen, so have your tweezers on standby! 

Since that first hair erupted through my skin, two more have joined! Yep, the three amigos keep me on my toes. As soon as I feel or see them, I yank them out!

You can try laser treatments to zap them too. But be warned, treatments are expensive, and must be done more than once in order to be effective. If you’re considering laser, do it soon because once those chin hairs turn gray, lasers won’t work.

To my elders, shame on you for keeping this dirty little secret! I shudder to think what else you’re withholding from us. As for me, I pledge to keep it real and share all the “joys” of getting older with all of you. Somebody’s gotta be the messenger, right?!

I wish someone woulda warned me. 



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