Education Family

Part 2: Transitioning To Middle School

July 30, 2018

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How to Help Your Child Get Ready to Enter Middle School

There is nothing quite like the pride on the face of a child, as they graduate from elementary school. But as summer rolls along, you can feel the nervous anticipation begin to build, as they get closer and closer to their first day of middle school. They have a big transition coming up, & they’ll need your help to feel confident and prepared, as they get ready to enter middle school. Here are a few more things that you can do to help get them ready:

Chat Regularly About Their Feelings

When you think back to your own transition from elementary to middle school, you likely had a lot of concerns. Times have changed and the worries may not be the same, but the feelings remain. Let your child speak freely about the things they are worried about, excited about, and unsure of in the days leading up to the first day of school. Help them find reassurance for their worries and answers to their questions.

Take a Tour

If your child is feeling particularly anxious about finding their way around, call the school and arrange a tour of the building and answer all of your pressing questions. When you can have some one on one time to take in the surroundings and building layout, it will prove calming. Even if you attended an orientation day, the crowds of people can be distracting and it’s easy to miss important information.

Go Over the Rules

Rules often become more strict in some areas and more lax in others as you transition to middle school. Summer is a great time to get a copy of the handbook and go over all of the changes from the elementary rules they knew so well. Spending time learning the rules can help to prevent issues and embarrassment down the road.

Check Out Extracurricular Options

Those who are interested in taking part in sports or clubs should work to get that information early, especially for fall season sports or groups that meet throughout the year. Be sure to ask what the minimum grade level is to participate, as certain clubs and sports may exclude 6th graders from participating.

Get Organized Early

Pick up a copy of the supply list and get your back to school shopping done early. You’ll have a better selection to ensure that they are able to find the supplies they need. Purchase extra supplies for your homework area and prepare an organized, quiet space that help them to stay on task during homework and study time.

Pair Up with a Friend

Everything seems a little less scary when you’re facing it alongside someone you know and love. Find out which friends have similar schedules and work together to navigate the school. Look out for each other in the hallways, help when there’s a disappointment, embarrassment, or struggle, and above all, be a trustworthy friend to one another.

Do you have a child entering middle school this fall? What are some of the things that you’re doing with them to help them prepare?




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