Education Family Lifestyle

7 Life Lessons Your Child Needs Before Leaving for College

August 6, 2018


It’s that time of year again. Your babies may (or may not) be heading off to their freshman year of college. This one’s for all the parents whose kids are starting college. 

As a parent, you’ll teach your child so many things throughout their years in your home, all of which lead up to them graduating high school, and heading off to college. Oftentimes, parents overlook some of the most important life lessons that students will need as they head out on their own for the first time. You want them to be well equipped in the classroom. Teaching them about adult responsibilities before they go into the world, and how to make adult decisions is important too.

Here are a few life lessons that you should be sure that your children understand before they head off to college.

How to Handle Money

Be sure to teach your kids the basics of creating a budget, balancing a checkbook, and how to manage keeping track of due dates and paying bills on time. Even if most expenses are covered within the cost of room and board, there will still be a need to manage funds for incidentals and other must have items. Also, credit card companies prey on college students who aren’t money savvy. Explain carefully how credit cards work and the importance of using them wisely.

Basic Housekeeping Skills

College students often quickly learn just how much their parents did for them. They will need to know how do their own laundry, clean up after themselves, change their own bedsheets, and in some cases, cook their own meals. Having a working knowledge of basic housekeeping will serve them well at college and later in life.

The Importance of Self-Care

Teach your children early to take personal responsibility for getting enough rest and making time in their busy schedule to de-stress. Also, be sure to provide them with their health insurance information and coach them through how to set up medical appointments and what to do to care for themselves when they are not feeling well.

It’s Okay to Ask for Help

Everyone needs a helping hand from time to time, and it’s important to teach your children to reach out when they need something. Let them know that when they are overwhelmed or in a bind, turn to family, friends, and professors to help find a solution and get through the struggle.

Make Money Before You Need It

Most everyone has felt the strain of having to hustle up enough cash for a last minute emergency expense. Advise your college students to take on a small, part time job that will allow them to put together a savings cushion for life’s little surprises. When their car breaks down, or they need to fly home on short notice, they’ll have the cash they need to take care of things.

How to Prioritize

Understanding priorities and creating a plan to make sure that the things you have to do are taken care of, before the things you want to do, is so very important. Having the ability to prioritize and balance work and personal time is a skill that will make them a valuable employee down the road, not to mention creating a happier life overall.

Identifying a True Friend

Perhaps the most important life skill is understanding people and recognizing those who are worthy of being a friend for life. The college years are filled with new faces and friendships, but not all of these people can truly be trusted. Show your child what a true friend looks like by demonstrating that kind of friendship with those you are closest to.

The college years are a fun, exciting time for students. As they enjoy that first taste of freedom, they’ll find much success and happiness with a solid foundation of important life lessons already under their belt.