Family Lifestyle

Friend or Frenemy? What We’re Not Gonna Do In 2019

January 10, 2019

I’ve seen so many posts lately about shady friends. Who wants a frenemy in their life? (Frenemy is a person who’s kinda your friend, but kinda your enemy too). I don’t have time for frenemies. 

Friends, How Many Of Us Have Them? Friends, Ones We Can Depend On.      ~Whodini

Let me tell you what I’m not gonna tolerate in 2019. Fake friends. Nope, no ma’am, ain’t got time for that. Either you got my back or you don’t. And if you don’t, that’s fine, but this is where we part ways. 

I love hard, that’s just who I am. I’m sure lots of you can relate. I like doing things for my friends. I try to support them in whatever ways I can. I don’t mind helping them, that’s what friends are for. 

But is your friend really your friend? Are they there for you, like you are for them? I’m not talking about during the good times, that’s easy. Are they there for you in the bad times? 

Do they include you in things, or are you the one always inviting them out? Do they do thoughtful things for you? 

Let’s say y’all go out to lunch, do they offer to pay the bill? Real friends offer to help pay. Sometimes I pay, sometimes they pay, we take turns. 

Are they grateful? Anytime I receive something from a friend, I make sure to thank them. Does your friend appreciate the things you do for them?

Folks who never say “thank you” and who just take, take, take, really rub me the wrong way. In the past I’ve let that slide, but not anymore. You can take your entitled self back to the rock you crawled out from! 

In order to have friends, you must first be a friend. It ain’t all about you! I’ve known folks who were so narcissistic, they truly believed they should be waited on hand & foot. Those kind of people are never satisfied, no matter how much you do for them.

A friend believes in you. They also believe you. I’m a very honest person, probably too honest. I’m truthful. If I tell you something, I’m speaking the truth, period. I used to get all worked up if someone didn’t believe me. I’d try to corroborate my story with cold, hard, facts… in an effort to make them see I was being truthful. Not anymore. If you don’t believe me, that’s on you. My job is to tell you the truth, not to force you to believe it. Period. 

If you are the one putting forth all the effort in your friendship, and not seeing any reciprocation, then is it really a friendship? If your “friend” never has time for you, doesn’t support you, is never there for you, doesn’t appreciate you or what you do for them, they’re not really your friend . . . and you deserve better.