Family Health

Seed Synbiotics: Bacteria With Benefits

November 27, 2020

This is a sponsored conversation, in collaboration with All opinions are mine. 

Seed probiotics

I don’t know about you, but I’m doing my best to stay healthy. As you may recall, I have a pre-existing condition. I can’t afford to get sick. I’m taking vitamins, eating clean, and I’ve even started getting more exercise. I recently learned about Seed and their probiotic. (Synbiotic actually), the Daily Synbiotic, and just started taking that too. 

Use Code: LYNDA15 to save 15% off your order!

I’ve been reading a lot about gut health lately. Seems gut health has a great impact on our overall health. If your gut isn’t in good shape, your health will suffer. That’s where probiotics come into play. 

First, I must mention that Seed’s chief scientific officer, is a microbiologist who chaired the World Health Organization panel that first defined the term “probiotics.” These folks know what they’re doing!

Bacteria with Benefits

Seed’s Daily Synbiotic: a probiotic + prebiotic formulation developed for systemic benefits.

Let Me Explain

It’s a synbiotic, meaning in addition to beneficial bacteria, it includes another ingredient called a prebiotic. Prebiotics are substances that are used by microbes for specific health benefits. The combination of a pre- & pro-biotic is a symbiotic.

Seed’s Daily Synbiotic combines 24 clinically and scientifically-studied probiotic strains (that are not found in yogurt, most supplements, or fermented foods & beverages), with a non-fermenting prebiotic compound concentrated from Indian pomegranate. probiotics


Seed’s Synbiotic is among the first to take a Microbe-Systems Approach with strain-specific benefits beyond digestive health, including skin health, heart health, gut immune function, gut barrier integrity, and micronutrient synthesis. It’s also among the first formulation to include strains that synthesize folate, and increase production within the body.


The Daily Synbiotic is formulated with probiotic strains that have been clinically and scientifically-studied to provide benefits in gastrointestinal function, skin health, heart health, gut immune function, gut barrier integrity, and micronutrient synthesis. Daily Synbiotic is meant for ages 18 & over.

The Daily Synbiotic is free from: Dairy • Gluten • Soy • GMOs • Binders • Preservatives • and 14 classes of allergens defined by the European Food and Safety Authority (EFSA).

So if you’re Vegan, Vegetarian, or following a Ketogenic diet, you’re good to go. 


Just take 2 capsules daily, preferably on an empty stomach, to limit exposure to digestive enzymes. 

Everyone’s body is different, and the benefits you ‘feel’  (reduced bloating, more regular bowel movements, etc.) are often just the most visceral ones. Lots of folks feel results in as a little as 24-48 hours, due to localized benefits like improved digestion. Other longer term benefits like cardiovascular health & gut immune function, may take longer, or you may not notice anything at all. That’s completely normal. As long as you continue your daily intake, those beneficial microbes are doing their work inside you, to program, sustain, and enhance your health.

Right now, you can save 15% by using my affiliate link (Click here!) & entering code LYNDA15 at checkout. 

Let’s get our guts in order, and start living our best, (healthy) lives!