Travel Destinations

Where Are You Going On Summer Vacation?!

June 21, 2012

I don’t know about you, but I am SO ready for a vacation!! Now that the kids are out of school, I’m itching to go somewhere…but where? Last year, we went to NYC & Washington, DC. We had a blast in both places & I would love to visit each again. Our little one was a bit disappointed with DC though, you see he thought he would actually be meeting President Obama… so he wants to go back so he can finally meet him, face-to-face! Since I don’t think that’s happening anytime soon, we probably should hold off on visiting DC for awhile. 😉

I’d love to go back to NYC, so many things I did not get to see…and do. And there’s BlogHer’12, I’d give anything to go to that in August!! Maybe I’ll get lucky and be able to attend this year.

Then there’s the Summer Olympics! I have enjoyed the Olympics since I was a small child- How awesome would it be to travel to London, England and be part of this years Olympic activities?! I’ve actually been looking for good travel deals online… (just in case I run into a wad of cash under one of the sofa cushions!! ) I’m a very frugal person & saving money is always on my mind when planning a vacation. holidays is a site I have been using to look for great UK travel deals. Even if I don’t make it to London for the Olympics, I do plan on going one day and I want to save as much money on my travel expenses as possible. The more I save, the more I will have to spend once I get there!! 

Where are you going this summer? Please share your travel plans with me, who knows, maybe we’ll end up meeting up somewhere!