Family Hotels/Resorts Travel Travel Destinations

Top 5 Reasons To Vacation at Beaches Resorts in Turks & Caicos

June 12, 2017

This post contains an affiliate link. All opinions are my own. Beaches resorts Turks & Caicos perfect vacation destination

It’s that time of the year, time for summer vacations. I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to share my top 5 reasons we love to vacation at Beaches Resorts in Turks & Caicos! If you follow me on Twitter or IG, you already know I’m always posting about Beaches Resorts. And if you’ve seen the photos I’ve posted, I’m sure you can probably figure out why I love spending time there with my family. Today, I’m gonna break it down for you a lil bit more. 

Beaches Resorts Turks & Caicos

5. Nightly Entertainment! From Live shows, to beach parties, to weekly themed parties, to the cast of Sesame Street leading a conga line through the resort dancing to the sound of steel drums- Beaches Resort has it ALL! Every single night the music is thumpin’ & everybody is having the time of their lives, young & old alike. 

Beaches resorts Turks and Caicos perfect vacation destination

4. Kids Camp! THIS right here, our son LOVES Beaches Resorts Kids Camp. Matter-of-fact, he had NEVER attended a kids camp prior to our visit. Oh sure, there had been plenty of opportunities for him to attend one, but he never wanted to – so we never forced him. All that changed when he saw the staff & kids in Turks & Caicos. He’s the one who came to us, asking if he could try camp out for a couple hours. Needless to say; when we went to check on him after one hour- he kindly informed us he wanted to stay longer! The camp offers age appropriate hands on activities & outdoor adventure, there’s even an XBOX Play Lounge… a huge hit with all the young gamers. Did I mention the HUGE waterpark?! The staff loves the kids & vise-versa. Our son felt safe there, or he never would’ve stayed. Kids Camp gives kids a chance to meet new friends, experience a bit of independence & it gives parents a chance to explore the resort as a couple. Everybody wins! 


 3. The staff! Beaches Resorts Turks & Caicos would not be the amazing resort it is without their top-notch staff! OMG! I have NEVER met a more caring staff anywhere! They tend to your every need-they go out of their way to make you feel special-and they do it all with a huge smile & kind words. The staff makes Beaches stand out from every other hotel/resort I have EVER been to. There’s nothing they won’t do to make your stay magical, including surprising me by decorating my room for my birthday! I cannot stress to you enough how freakin’ awesome the entire Beaches Resorts Turks & Caicos staff is – they are the reason Beaches runs so smoothly, and the reason I will return year after year. Kudos to every single staff member – you made our family feel welcomed & loved & for that, I salute you! Much love! Beaches resorts Turks and Caicos the perfect vacation destination

Beaches resorts Turks and Caicos is perfect vacation destination 2. Two words: All-Inclusive! Y’all, if you have never experienced an all-inclusive vacation, especially an all inclusive Beaches Resorts vacation… buckle up! What does an All-Inclusive Beaches vacation entail? First, ALL of your food & drinks (including alcohol) are included. That means you get to eat at all 19 of the resorts restaurants (Yes, I did say nineteen), any time of the day or night. That’s right, all your food & drinks are included in the price of your resort stay. Did I mention the fridge in your room will be fully stocked with wine, juice, milk, beer, rum and whatever else you wanna drink? Cuz it will! And if you finish everything in the fridge, they’ll bring you more! I know some of y’all can appreciate that more than others, lol! 

Beaches resorts Turks & Caicos perfect vacation destination

ALL your meals: included.

ALL your drinks: included.

ALL entertainment: included.

Unlimited scuba diving: included.

Waterpark: included.

ALL water sports: included.

Oh, and tipping is NOT allowed. Mind blown. That’s ALL-Inclusive, the Beaches Resorts way! 
all inclusive caribbean

And my #1 reason for loving Beaches Resorts Turks & Caicos? 

Beaches resorts perfect vacation destination

1. The location! 12 miles of pristine beach awaits you at Beaches Resorts Turks & Caicos. The most beautiful beach you’ve ever seen. The bluest water you’ve ever laid eyes on. Gentle breezes blowing & warm Caribbean vibes caressing your mind, body & soul. 

Beaches Resorts will change the way you vacation, forever, I guarantee it. 

Let me help you plan your Beaches Resorts Vacation, email me: