Raising Mixed Kids

Pee On The Toilet Seat & More Pet Peeves!

January 17, 2013

Before I get started, I need to say something, I LOVE BEING A MOM! Yes, I’m shouting! I just wanted to make sure we were all clear about that. I love my children, they are a blessing from God, and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for them. But… (you knew that was coming, right?!) they can do some things that irritate me to no end. Little things mostly, I’m not even talking about the obvious things, like not listening to me, fighting like cats & dogs with each other and farting at inappropriate times (they’re boys, remember?!).

Nah, these are the little things that I deal with on a daily basis… I pulled out the camera this morning to snap a few visual aids for you.

Exhibit A: 1 contorted tube of toothpaste!


Does this look familiar? Every day I say the same thing: “Squeeze the tube from the bottom,” and every day this is what I find.

Exhibit B: Crayon “art” on the walls.


Yes, I gave birth to a little Picasso! This masterpiece is rather small & hidden away, so I have left it alone. It upset me at first, but then the more I looked at it, the more I thought it was sweet… I’m a big softie! I will eventually clean it off the wall… but for now-it stays!

Exhibit C, on the other hand, has got to go. I woke up to find this on little man’s bedroom door!SONY DSC It’s a warning to his brother to stay out of his room, written in washable ink… I hope! Thank goodness he’s too little to know how to spell any more words, or this could have been much worse! lol!

Exhibit D: Mystery spills on the carpet!

SONY DSC I don’t know what this is, or why there’s just one drop of it… but it won’t come up… sigh.

Exhibit E: The one I cannot stand the most, the one that drives me crazy every single day of my life (living in a house full of boys, there’s no escape!) PEE ON THE TOILET! (yes, I’m shouting again!) And not flushing the toilet!! Flush your pee children! (I went into the bathroom right after the little one emerged from it to snap this pic!)

SONY DSCAll day long, every day of the year, I am constantly cleaning pee off the toilet seat… off the floor by the toilet… you name it, and if it’s in the bathroom, there might very well be pee on it! (not really, but you know what I mean!) It’s disgusting! The little one is the main culprit, I’ve watched him in action. “Aim into the toilet,” I say. “Point it down, into the water,” I advise. “But it’s too strong, it’s stronger than my hand and I can’t control it,” is the answer I receive! And so it goes…

What are some of your pet peeves as a mom?

PS- The pee drops are no longer on the toilet. After I took the photo above, I flushed the toilet and then brought out my trusty bottle of Soft Scrub and cleaned it all up…like I normally do…several times a day! Just an FYI! Don’t want y’all thinking I left it dirty! (hey, ‘ya never know!)