
A Note to Bloggers Everywhere!

May 28, 2013

I have been blogging for less than two years. The first year, I was totally lost… no one to guide me, just adrift at sea. I did not personally know any other bloggers. I began blogging because I love to write and I have lived through some pretty awful crap. I have a desire to help others & thought that by sharing all the crap I ‘ve been through, I might inspire women and show them that you can overcome any obstacle you might face.

At first, I accepted any paid post that came my way, I was so anxious to get my name out there, so anxious to become a “real” blogger. Write about a deck of cards for two dollars?  SURE, I’ll do it! I didn’t know any better, I had no one to school me. I don’t do that anymore. I’ve mostly had to school myself. You see, in this wonderful world of blogging- there are very few bloggers willing to help you out… show you the ropes. Why? I don’t really know. The only thing I can come up with is that they are scared. Scared that you might become better than they are. Scared you might make a connection with a brand & get a campaign that they want. Instead of helping out their fellow bloggers, they keep everything they know to themselves.

Makes me wonder… did anyone ever help them out? When they first started blogging, did anyone advise them? I guess not. If they had, surely they’d want to pay it forward… right?! Every job I’ve ever worked, I had someone training me, showing me what to do, helping me out. Not with blogging! No sir! ‘Ya won’t find that here! (Unless you’re part of the clique, you know, the “in” crowd). I’ve never been part of that crowd, I’m a bit of a rebel- I blaze my own path and follow it wherever it takes me!

I’m the new face of blogging. I WANT to help others. I believe we are all here on this earth to help one another. Maybe it’s because I’m a Christian, and believe in Matthew 25:40. Maybe it’s because I have been through so much crap in my life. Maybe it’s just who I am … I don’t know. I do know that if you ask me a question about blogging, I will tell you what I know. I will help you in any way possible. I will share leads with you, I’ll give you answers to your questions if I have them. If I don’t, I will try to find someone that does. Am I worried that you might get a campaign over me? No. Am I worried that a brand might like you more than me? No. I know that by helping others, I will be blessed in return (Luke 6:38). Brands that I am meant to work with, I will work with. Campaigns that I am meant to get, I will get.

Wouldn’t the world be a better place, if all we just helped each other out? Lifted each other up? Think about it!

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