
A Note to the Organizers of Blogger Conferences

May 28, 2013


I would like to give my two cents to all the organizers of blogger conferences out there. I’m gonna keep this short & sweet. I am not a “Rockstar” blogger. I am fairly new to the blogging world and still learning the ropes. When I shell out my hard earned money to attend a conference (conference registration, hotel, flight), I’m doing so in hopes that I will learn something at the conference. I want to leave there knowing more about the world of blogging than when I arrived. I’m not going there to be seen. I’m not going there to hang out with my blogger friends, (although that is a major plus)… I’m going there to learn. I want meat, so to speak.

What I don’t want is a 2-3 day conference with only one day of sessions/workshops. If I arrive on Thursday- I’m expecting sessions on Friday… not a day of  “inspiring” chatter… give me sessions! Please don’t bunch all the sessions & workshops together on Saturday & make me choose 2 or 3 of them… scatter the sessions out between Friday AND Saturday… that way I can attend twice as many, learn twice as much and leave feeling like I got my money’s worth!

Please remember that I have had to rearrange my schedule (heck, my entire family’s schedule) to attend your conference. I want meat, not fluff! Don’t just wine & dine me, educate me! I know I’m not the only one that feels this way. I might just be the only one brave enough to say it out loud. I hope you’re listening!