Entertainment Music

Hey Kool-Aid, It’s the Big Time Rush Concert Contest!

June 26, 2013

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This past Sunday, I had the pleasure of taking my Little Man to his first concert. We went to see the band, Big Time Rush! I’m gonna tell you all about it, and how you can enter the Kool-Aid and Big Time Rush contest. The grand prize is VIP tickets and meet & Greet passes! Woo-Hoo!

My little guy Loves music and he Loves to dance. We are huge Nickelodeon fans, so going to see Big Time Rush was such a treat for us. Before we went to the concert, we stopped off to buy ear plugs for my little guy. Don’t want to damage his little ears. 
 Ear plugs in hand, we were off to the Sleep Train Pavilion, in Concord, CA. photo-198 It was a great day for a concert & an even better day to sit in on the sound check & attend a Meet & Greet with the band! How awesome is that?! First concert ever & he got to meet the band! photo-178
photo-179 When it was time to meet Big Time Rush, we all lined up single file and were escorted to the basement of the pavilion. The band was waiting down there and we got to shake their hands & have our photos taken with them! It was so exciting!

Once we finished, we went back above ground and got a bite to eat. The concert wasn’t scheduled to begin for about another hour or so. 
You can’t go to a concert and not buy souvenirs, right?! After we ate, we went over to see what they had for sale and picked out our favorite items! photo-182 And that’s when we saw him. The Kool-Aid Man, right there, in the flesh! (I’m a Kool-Aid fan from way back, I love me some Grape Kool-Aid to drink on a hot summer day.) The moment I saw him, all I heard in my head was, “Hey Kool-Aid, oh yeah!” I must admit, he was a wee bit shorter than I thought he’d be! 

Before we knew it, it was time to head back in and find our seats! photo-193 After performances by Jackson Guthy, Olivia Somerlyn & Victoria Justice, Big Time Rush hit the stage. The crowd went crazy! The screams from the teenage girls were louder than anything I could remember from my teen years! They were all yelling the band members names: James, Logan, Kendall & Carlos… It was fantastic! So much energy and love for the band! My little guy had a blast & was dancing and jumping around in the aisles!

The band put on a fantastic show, full of energy and crowd interaction. There were tons of kids there, as well as teenagers and parents. I loved not having to worry about “objectionable” lyrics- there were none! Good, clean fun for the whole family.
I know you’re wondering how you can enter the Kool-Aid and Big Time Rush Contest, right? Well, I’m gonna tell you! You’ll need to upload a photo of  a Kool-Aid creation you make with your family. It can be anything, as long as you use Kool-Aid to make it. I’d make a painting with Kool-Aid as the paint, but that’s just me! You could win Meet & Greet passes & tickets to a Big Time Rush Concert near you! You can also purchase $6 worth of Kool-Aid & scan the receipt on the Shoparoo app (located directly below) & get a discount code for tickets.

I cannot stress to you how much fun this concert was, and how much I enjoyed being there with my little one. If your kids are Big Time Rush fans, you gotta enter this contest. Good luck to all who enter! Woo-Hoo!