
Every Child Is Extraordinary! #YourExtraordinaryKid

June 27, 2014




Every child is extraordinary, we all know that’s true. What makes your kid special? My little one has been extraordinary since the day he was born! You see, my son is a Rainbow Baby. For those of you unfamiliar with the term Rainbow Baby, allow me to explain. A child conceived and born after a miscarriage, is called a Rainbow Baby. I suffered a devastating miscarriage, at 16 weeks gestation, back in 2005. Actually, both my children are Rainbow Babies, as our first was conceived & born after a miscarriage early in our marriage. 

The fact that I was 40 years old when our little guy was born, makes him that much more special! As I watch him grow, I’m fascinated by the many facets of his personality. Just like his Mommy, he loves the outdoors- he’s always by my side as I tend the garden. He loves animals and insects and anything that is alive. We’ve rescued countless spiders and crickets from the garage, and taken them outside to set them free. He’s a fierce competitor, and very athletic, you should see him run! He cares about the environment and can’t understand why some people litter, or why others don’t recycle. He’s inherited my love of music and can dance his little feet off, but only in front of the family… because he also inherited my shyness. Most of all, he’s a sweet, sensitive soul. He’s tender-hearted and gets his feelings hurt very easily. He loves sitting in my lap, and showering me with hugs and kisses…and I love it! He’s my sweet, sweet boy and I want the very best for him. 


When he was a baby, he had a few medical hurdles to overcome. When your baby is facing surgery, you want to make sure they’re being taken care of by the best docs around. That’s where Stanford Children’s Health & Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford come in. They’ve been the top-ranked children’s hospital in Northern California for over a decade, with an exclusive focus on children and expectant women. Best of all, Stanford Children’s Health doctors can be reached within 10 miles of most homes in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Stanford Children’s Health realizes all kids are special & they celebrate that. I made a really cute video for my child on their website, go check it out. You can make one too, celebrating YOUR child! 

Your kid is extraordinary. Show them how much you enjoy every moment together by creating a special video of your own!


I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.