
We Can Stop HIV One Conversation At A Time!

October 22, 2014

This post is made possible by support from the We Can Stop HIV One Conversation at a Time campaign. All opinions are my own.



You probably already know that Hispanics/Latinos are the largest & fastest growing ethnic minority in the U.S. (Latinos in the house!) What you may not know, is that we’re also one of the groups most affected by HIV and AIDS, and that’s nothing to celebrate.

Did you know that many young people with HIV believe it’s ok NOT to disclose their HIV positive status with someone they’re “just having sex with,” as long as they use protection? 

There are more than 1 million (1,000,000) people in the U.S. living with HIV. Approximately 50,000 people get infected with the virus each year. Hispanics & Latinos make up 21% of all new infections. HIV can affect anyone, no matter your race, age, gender, sexual orientation, or marital status. An estimated 1 in 36 Hispanic/Latino men will become infected with HIV, and 1 in 106 Hispanic/Latina women will also be diagnosed with HIV in their lifetime. Have you been tested? oneconversation_materials_splash_image-bigtext

What do YOU know about HIV/AIDS? Learn more about HIV/AIDS, and the impact it has on the Hispanic/Latino community here. You can also watch this video:

Talking about HIV and AIDS isn’t always easy, but it’s a conversation WE MUST HAVE! We need to remove the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS and begin talking openly about it. That’s the only way we are going to learn the facts that will empower us to protect ourselves, our families, and our communities. By increasing HIV awareness, we can help stop the spread of HIV, not only in the Hispanic/Latino communities, but in ALL communities.

homebanner_bigtext-990x245By talking openly about this, we can stop HIV one conversation at a time. If every one of us took a moment to start the conversation, imagine how many lives we could impact? Every single one of us matters, and together we can inspire change, improve lives and reduce the spread of HIV!

Si se puede!
