Family Raising Mixed Kids

Top 5 Reasons I’m Ready for School to Start! #BackToSchool

August 12, 2015


It’s been a great summer here in NorCal! The temps in Northern California make summers that much more enjoyable, not too hot, just right for getting outdoors and exploring. But even with all this great weather, I’m ready for school to start back up. Don’t get me wrong- I LOVE my children with ALL my heart-but I’m just tellin’ it like it is – no sugar-coating. I’m ready for school to start & here’s why: 

5 Reasons School needs to start

1. He’s eating me out of house & home! I don’t know about your kids, but summer vacation means increased appetites over here. It’s not just boredom, he’s genuinely hungry & going through a growth spurt. From the moment my youngest wakes up, until his head hits the pillow at night, all I hear is “Mom, I’m hungry!” Or “Mom, I’m STILL hungry!”  I can’t keep up. I’ve made so many pancakes, waffles, and french toast slices these past few months…it’s been crazy! Bacon? I’ve literally cooked pounds & pounds of it. Sandwiches? OMG! We’re going through 3 loaves of bread a week. Bomb Pops- I lost track of how many boxes I’ve purchased. Water bottles? Our recycling bin stays overflowing! Make it stop!

2. I’m running out of activities to keep him occupied. We’ve gone to the library (actually libraries, plural), local parks, swimming pools, amusement parks, visited friends, hung out outside, planted our garden, read books together, had picnics, blown bubbles, flew kites, went on vacation, hikes, sight-seeing, took care of baby birds, did arts & crafts … I’m almost out of ideas. Help! 

3. He misses his classmates & interacting with them. He’s constantly talking about his friends & can’t wait to be reunited with them…except for the girl who picks her nosehe doesn’t miss her one bit! (And I know he needs the structure that the school day provides for him).

4. It’s really difficult trying to work from home when your child wants ALL of your attention. Our youngest needs us in ways our oldest didn’t. Our oldest could pretty much keep himself entertained – not our youngest. He needs constant interaction with us, that’s just the way he’s wired. I feel really guilty anytime I get on the computer to work (like I’m doing now), so I find myself staying up late to get my work done. No bueno.

5. He won’t stop opening the fridge! AGH! (Which is probably related to #1, I know) He’s constantly opening and closing the fridge. Dude, you looked in there two minutes ago, nothing’s changed!

And those are my top 5 reasons I’m ready for school to start…maybe I shoulda made it a top 10 list?! 😉 




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