Entertainment Family Lifestyle Travel

12 Camping Hacks For A Trouble-Free Trip

September 24, 2019

Camping hacks

Now that Fall is upon us, it’s a great time to go camping. 

Are you looking forward to your upcoming camping trip?  Even those of us who love camping, experience stressful trips once in awhile.  How about we make sure that doesn’t happen next time?

Follow these 12 camping hacks for a trouble-free trip, and make your next camping adventure the best one yet!

  1. Stay packed year round.  Buy a couple large plastic tote containers and pack up all your camping gear in those.  You will always know where your gear is, and it’s easy to grab and load up.
  2. Have the right gear. It is so frustrating to show up at your campsite, only to discover that you don’t have the right sized tent, you forgot a sleeping bag, etc. Be sure to pack gear that is appropriate for the type of camping you are doing. If you are camping up in the mountains, you might want to bring a sleeping bag that is rated for colder weather. 
  3. Laminate a packing list. Print out a camping to-do & packing list, and keep it packed up with your gear. Before your trip, be sure and go through the list so you don’t forget anything.
  4. Bring fire starter. Just because you are roughing it, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take advantage of conveniences. Be sure to bring a lighter, and some newspaper, to make sure that you don’t spend all of your camping time working on getting a fire built.
  5. Use a headlamp. Head into your closest big box store and buy yourself a cheap headlamp. It will save you lots of frustration at night, since your hands are able to be freed up for other stuff.
  6. Bring camping cookware. Seriously. You don’t need to eat berries and granola your entire trip. Make sure you bring camping cookware with you to cook over the fire. Much of the camping cookware you find in stores is foldable, so it’s easy to store.
  7. Use tin foil as cookware. If you don’t want to bring cookware with you, just bring a roll of tin foil. You can cook pretty much anything in it, just fold it up & put it over the campfire.
  8. Get a good water bottle. Water bottles are truly an investment in your health.  Find yourself a good water bottle (Hydroflask, Swell, etc) and fill it up with ice cold water. The water will stay cold much longer. Be sure to bring extra water too. 
  9. Wear weather resistant shoes. It sucks to have wet shoes. Keep this in mind when you are deciding what to wear on your camping trip.
  10. Store toiletries in an old coffee can.  Keep your toiletries clean and dry by storing them in an old coffee can with a lid.
  11. Use frozen water jugs in coolers.  Instead of buying bags of ice, you can use frozen water jugs. This way the ice stays frozen longer and you don’t end up with melted water everywhere.
  12. Bring out the welcome mat. Use a welcome mat at the door of your tent to keep the dirt or sand out. 

Cooler Fall weather means more camping fun for all of us!