
4-12-16 One Year Ago Today…

April 12, 2016


One year ago today, my Mother exhaled for the final time here on earth & inhaled for the first time in Heaven. It’s unbelievable to me that one year has passed; it seems like just yesterday I received the call at 2am informing me of her passing. That day got worse when our youngest was admitted into the hospital with Meningitis. That’s when I rec’d my first #GodWink from my Mom, the tv in the pediatric ER waiting room was set to #QVC- her favorite channel. I knew it was her way of letting me know she was ok, and now free from the #Alzheimer’s she’d suffered with in her final years of life. When a parent passes from #Alzheimer’s, it is both a blessing & a curse. You feel relief that they are no longer suffering, and regret that you were not able to tell them goodbye the way you’d always envisioned you would. My Mom was a proud woman who loved her family, and adored her grandchildren. She grew up dirt poor, raised by her Grandmother, after losing her own Mother when she was just 5 years old. She believed in tough love, was a strict parent – but always made sure my brother & I had everything we needed growing up. She also made the best flour tortillas, menudo, pumpkin empanadas, chicken mole, tripas & gorditas eva! ❤ I can still see her in the kitchen using canned biscuits to make us donuts…and using those same canned biscuits to make us mini pizzas during our summer vacation. She always reminded me I was 1/2 Mexican and instilled a love of self in me that I’m thankful for. She LOVED Fiesta Week, especially volunteering at the ticket gate with her sister Estella & going out to eat with her afterwards. When I was young, she was active in the PTA, always our classroom volunteer (Room Mother) and chaperoned every middle school dance at Sul Ross…lol… which was also the reason I never attended those dances! She was my Mom & I will always love her “bunches & bunches.” Te quiero mucho Mama. ❤️ #rip