
Italist Creations CBD & More, Discount Code

October 22, 2019

This post contains affiliate links. All opinions are my own.

Italist Creations discount on CBDThis year has been a learning experience for me. I’ve had quite a few visits to doctors and specialists, for a multitude of different reasons. I’m learning to take better care of myself. I’m also discovering natural healing alternatives. CBD is one of the natural products I’m interested in. 

I’ve written about CBD before. The more I learn about it, the more fascinated I become. Remember, CBD does not contain THC, (that’s what gets you high ), so no worries as far as that’s concerned.


Italist Creations is a small company, located here in California. They create healing skincare, and cannabis-infused, wellness products. Italist Creations is owned by a woman named Candice. She believes in clean living, enjoys a vegan lifestyle, and has a desire to help others heal. 


I’m honored to be able to introduce you to

I have a discount code for you. It’s good for 10% off purchases over $20.  Use code:  MP10. The code is good on all their products, including CBD and other healing cannabis items.


I love supporting other women, and Italist Creations is a company I believe in. You’ll be hearing more about them in the future, for now, use my code MP10, and enjoy your discount!