Family Health Lifestyle Travel

5 Tips To Staying Healthy While On Vacation

August 11, 2018


For many of us, going on vacation is a perfect opportunity to kick back, relax, and be a little indulgent. While you shouldn’t be afraid to let loose and have a little fun, it’s important to be mindful of your health when you’re on vacation. Want to take better care of yourself during your travels? Here are a few ways you can stay healthy on your next trip:

Don’t go overboard at the buffet.

Unless you’re staying with family or in a vacation rental, you’re probably eating most – if not all – of your meals at restaurants. This can be a highlight of your vacation, but if you aren’t careful, your meals can do more harm than good. Try to remain somewhat health-conscious while you’re on vacation. Make sure your meals include a serving or two of vegetables, and consider keeping some fresh fruit in your hotel room to snack on in between meals.

Get enough sleep.

If you’re vacationing somewhere exciting, it can be tempting to spend as much time as possible exploring. Skipping sleep will catch up with you fast and comes with lots of other downsides. Not getting enough rest can compromise your immune system, which is less than ideal when exploring big cities or boarding public transit or planes, and running on too little sleep can leave you in a sour mood. Make sure you get six to eight hours a night for optimal rest.

Dress appropriately.

This one might seem a little obvious, but too many people travel without the appropriate attire for their destination. If you’re traveling somewhere cold, make sure the family is equipped with warm socks, gloves, and adequate layers to enjoy the trip without falling victim to the weather. For warmer, more tropical destinations, a wide-brimmed hat can help prevent sunburn, and a poncho or rain jacket will come in handy when afternoon showers strike.

Drink plenty of water.

When you’re on the go, it can be tough to stay hydrated. It isn’t always easy to find free water fountains when you’re exploring new cities, so it’s always a good idea to come prepared. Fill your bottles at your hotel and top them off whenever you have the opportunity. If your destination is low on free options and you don’t want to spend a ton of money on bottled water at a convenience store, grab a gallon at a local grocery store to refill your bottles.

Find ways to incorporate fitness.

It can be hard to find the motivation to hit the gym while you’re on vacation, but there are plenty of other ways you can stay fit when you travel. Exploring new cities by foot will allow you to see much more than a bus tour, and you’ll rack up the step count on your fitness tracker without even thinking about it. Consider renting bikes for your family to use to explore your destination, or if you’re somewhere a little more remote, sign up for a white water rafting trip or climbing excursion.

It can be tempting to slack off when you’re on vacation, but you shouldn’t let your health fall by the wayside. By eating right, staying hydrated and resting well, you’ll be well on your way to a healthy vacation.

How do you stay focused on fitness and health while traveling? Share your favorite tips in the comments!