
It’s February 1, 2022, And I Can No Longer Tolerate Fake “Victims”

February 1, 2022


This post has been a long time coming, like hella long. I know I’m gonna piss off a few folks, and I’m ok with that. This is my blog, and I’ll write what I want to. If you want to stop reading, go ahead, I wont be offended, at all. I need to get this off my chest.

A lot of really awful stuff has transpired over the past few months, and the last week in particular. I will not elaborate, at least not now. I will, however, say that someone I love with ALL my heart, is hurting right now. Someone I adore has had their entire life turned upside down, through no fault of their own. I’m talking major, scary, life-changing events. The kind of events that leave everyone involved in a state of shock, feeling your way through the fog, praying for the best possible outcome.

So yeah, I’m feeling some kinda way right now. And I’m gonna say a few things.        

Today, I wanna talk about “victims.”  No, not actual victims, I’m talking about folks who are always “playing the victim.” We all know them. They are always complaining about everything. Everyone is always out to get them. Everyone is always being mean to them. They’re still moaning & groaning about things that happened to them 20-30 years ago. For whatever reason, they get  joy out of being “the victim.” Perhaps it’s all the sympathy they receive. “Aww poor thing, so sorry that happened to you.”  It’s usually some B.S. crap that they’re complaining about too. I just can’t take it anymore!

I don’t wanna hear about all your “problems”, we ALL have problems. You’re not the only person who’s been dealt a bad hand. Geez, these wanna-be victims really tick me off! 

If y’all knew the pain & despair I’ve endured over the years, you’d know why I can’t tolerate wanna-be victims! But you know what? I don’t share every single bad thing that happens to me. I deal with it, and push forward. I don’t use it as a way to get people to feel sorry for me. I don’t use it as an excuse for bad moods. I don’t treat others poorly because of my problems. And I certainly don’t profit from it. 

Folks who profit from “being a victim” really rub me the wrong way. They are the lowest of the low.  I’ve seen quite a few folks use their sob story to worm their way into people’s lives and hearts. Once they tug at your heartstrings, they ask you to purchase their products, support their business, or finance their next “big thing.” NOPE! Ain’t happening! 

Some folks have made a living (literally) out of playing the victim. They don’t really want your help, they don’t want to “heal” or get better. Why would they? Their entire livelihood is built on being a victim. They’ve created a false narrative, and aren’t about to give it up. They’re only interested in what they can get from you, be it monetary or emotional. They’re leeches, and they will suck you dry! 

I don’t have time for wanna-be victims. Take your manipulation, lies, and fake-ass complaints elsewhere. I’m done.




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